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Friday, June 19, 2015

#SELConference 2015 - Nashville

Today has been exhilarating, enlightening, emotional and just plain fun! Boy am I tired - in a good way!

Susie and I spent the day at the 2015 SEL Conference in Nashville presented by Alignment Nashville and other great sponsors. A keynote by the intense Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade started us off,  followed by over 50 different options for break-out sessions.

We had the privilege to present "Eight Ways to Change Climate, Develop Culture, & Build Community" to a group of nearly 50 enthusiastic attendees.We enjoyed the building of community, sharing our cultures and learning how to document and understand the climate within our schools and classrooms.

For those who attended our sessions and for anyone else who would like to have the materials and references we curated for session, I have placed links HERE for the presentation and HERE for the handout materials and resources. Please note the resources page in the handout has additional materials and references for your post-sessions experience.   As always, please feel free to engage in dialog with us. We look forward to exchanging ideas, successes, as well as constructive methods and strategies to continue the experience we have had today!

We have thoroughly enjoyed our day, made many new relationships and have expanded our knowledge of learning to have and share "audacious hope!" Thank you!
