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Tuesday, October 9, 2012 great games for Kids

I know sometimes I get behind in looking for websites for my students, but this one I'm glad I stumbled upon during this week of intercession.  The students are using the games for reinforcement of the lessons we are learning in the classroom as well as part of their at home studies.


Visual Thinkers -- not just "pictures" anymore.


Some of us are visual thinkers, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we see only in pictures. We can also view or see in "concepts".   The website "Visible Thinking" contains some great strategies from Core Routines, Fairness Routines, to Creativity Routines.  Check out their website and then drill down to look at the strategies they provide for all of us "visible thinkers."


Friday, October 5, 2012

Power Point -- Great video on what NOT TO DO!!!

Don McMillan: Life After Death by PowerPoint

Here's a great video on what not to do when creating your next power point!!  

Thanks to Don McMillan for posting!!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sensory Processing Disorder - A great primer

Here's a great primer on Sensory Processing Disorder from

Six Great CCSS Math Websites...

Six Common Core Math Websites for Teachers, Students & Parents

1. Common Core Math Standards (pdf) Just in case you haven't seen them or read them yet. Important for every teacher and parent to understand the standards and their expectations. 

Providing math problems in the various CCSS strands each month along with an archive to help with teaching students, student practice, parent understanding and learning. 

3. Inside Mathematics' Listing of the Math Eight Standards:

           Standard 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively 

4. PARCC prototype sample questions  With the PARCC around the corner it would be a great idea to help our students understand the question structure. Remember that we don't all structure language the same and we need to teach our students to find the key words in each word problem for proper resolution and to understand what the author is asking. 
Navigation Tip--: Click on Resources for Implementation

     ----> Click on PARCC Prototyping Project
           -----> Click on tasks by school level

5. provides drill down lessons by standard and grade level. Great resource for any level.

6. Illustrating the Standards for Mathematical Practice
From the great people at NCSSM-Leadership in Mathematics Education, this link provides ways to illustrate each of the math standards by grade level. Click on the hyper linked graphics to drill down into lessons and helpful resources.