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Saturday, September 14, 2013

During my normal, daily search of the internet for tools and tips I ran across this website and wanted to share this link for common core standards checklists. 

Here's information about what you will find on the site: "Our common core standards checklists are just what you need to help you keep track of the standards taught in your classroom. Use these to make sure you are addressing all that you need to teach throughout the course of the school year. Keep track of when you have introduced, retaught and assessed each indicator." 
These documents are by grade level and by subject,then broken down by domains and strands. They are great ways to keep track when they were taught, retaught, assessed, etc. 

I have been using these sing school started and have passed them along to my fellow teachers, but I realized I hadn't posted them for my web friends and colleagues. 

Great stuff!


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